Watch Around Water

Watch Around Water (WAW) is a campaign educating the public about active supervision, and encouraging parents / guardians to take on the responsibility of this role while visiting aquatic facilities. The campaign aim is to reduce the number of fatal and non-fatal drowning incidents and associated injuries in public aquatic facilities in Victoria within the 0-14 year age group


1. Children under 5 years: 0-4 years require a PINK wristband

  • must be accompanied into the centre and the water by a responsible parent / guardian over 16 years
  • must stay within arm’s reach during recreational play activities

2. Children under 10 years: 5-9 years require a YELLOW wristband

  • must be accompanied into the centre by a responsible parent / guardian over 16 years
  • must be constantly and actively supervised
  • parents / guardians must position themselves to have a clear view of the child with no physical
    or structural barriers between them and the child / children, which includes the use of electronic devices e.g. mobile phones and ipad.
  • must be accompanied into the 50m pool by a parent / guardian during recreational play activities.

3. Children 10 years old and over:

  • parents must use their knowledge of an individual child’s swimming ability and general development to determine the level of accompaniment required

Children under 5 years:

  • maximum 1 Parent / Guardian to 2 Children

Children under 10 years:

  • maximum 1 Parent / Guardian to 4 Children
  • Can be a combination of maximum 2 children under 5

Swimming Lessons

6.2. For children under the age of 10 years, a parent/guardian is to remain within the pool hall and be available as required for the duration of the child’s lesson. This will assist with the timely provision of any poolside assistance.
6.3. For the safety of your child, a hand over of students between Parent /Guardian and Teacher occurs promptly at the start and end of each lesson. Students under the age of 10 will not be released from a class unless the parent/guardian is present to take over direct supervision of the child.
6.4. Parent/Guardians must actively supervise their children in the water in line with the Centre’s “Watch Around Water” safety program.
6.5. Children under 5 – must be fully supervised and remain within arm’s reach of an adult/guardian (16 years or older) and wear a yellow wristband provided by staff (excluding whilst in swimming lessons).
6.6. Children 5-9 – must be accompanied into the facility and constantly supervised by a parent/guardian (16 years or older) and wear a wristband provided by staff (including whilst in swimming lessons).
6.7. Children who are not supervised will be removed from the water.

6.8. Management reserves the right to terminate or suspend your Swim and Play membership for not complying with any of the terms and conditions listed.